Ric Temple
8 min readMar 18, 2021


Do you want to be a winner or stay a loser for the rest of your life? How to think like a winner…and succeed.

Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin. They’ll betray you. (Obi Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars The attack of the Clones Episode II)

Winston Churchill once said “You create your own universe as you go along.” A quote that means so much and in the grand scheme of things we can be who we want to be. To take a life of mediocrity and become a winner. To break the mould that society has forced has forced upon us and join that special percentage of the world’s population. The Winners.

When others want us to win, they want us to do if for them, pressured by parents, teachers to be the best, to succeed to be winners. We never have a say in what we want to be. You can change all of that, stop being a loser, a sufferer poverty or mediocrity. You can become a winner, it’s as simple of changing your mindset, well that sounded so easy didn’t it?

As much as it is easy to say and think about being a winner, we will always be defeated by one enemy, an adversary that hides within our own mind. The unconscious, like the iceberg to the Titanic, hides 90 percent of its danger. The writers of Star Wars have understood this concept, how often did a character urge another to be mindful of their thoughts, or that their thoughts had betrayed them?

Luke: Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict.

Darth Vader: Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you…

Many of our thoughts come from our unconscious, they slip between the cracks of our consciousness to deliver that negative blow, and like Palpatine in Star Wars gives that devilish cackle as we are defeated from within. “Our Thoughts betrayed us.” With that defeat comes loss.

Yet there is an answer to turning defeat into a win…it comes through mindfulness. Being mindful of our thoughts, meditating, and believing in ourselves to be winners, or as Churchill once said “Create…”Winning is what motivates us to succeed, driving us to be the best that we can be. Whether we like it or not being a winner is a huge part of our lives. Having a winning mentality isn’t always about having the best things in life, being famous, having the superstar life style. Winning is a mentality that keeps us striving to be the best in our own hearts and minds. It doesn’t matter what others think or feel about us, it is down to our own thoughts, our own unconscious thoughts; thoughts that won’t betray, belittle, or keep us for ever believing we are Losers.

How to define a winning mentality?

To have a winning mentality always will depend on the individual, a simple answer is to have an attitude that you will give everything you’ve got. To look into the face of adversity with an attitude that you are going to win, reaching within yourself and doing whatever it takes in order to win.

Digging up the old unwanted turf and create new fertile soil for your thoughts to grow

It isn’t a simple thing just to tell yourself you are a winner, that alone just won’t cut it. Building a winning mentality needs patience and time, as well as a strategy that won’t leave you feeling more of a loser or failure.

Creating that winning mindset starts with setting and creating the right environment, decluttering your life, your mind, things, people, and thoughts that just weight you down. Your aim is to create the right environment that will help you grow into a successful person. You must dig up the old turf and create that new fertile soil for your thoughts to grow.

What does being a winner, a successful person mean to you?

Consider what reaching the goal would mean to you once you achieve it. What are you prepared to sacrifice in order to reach your goals?

Setting goals are very important tools for motivating us to succeed, focus upon those goals, have the right mindset, set out a route to achieve them. In Life Coaching and the Law of Attraction, setting goals are considered essential to success and increase a person’s belief in life.

Just like with defining a winning mentality it is a good idea to note down your goals, what is it you want to actually achieve? Note down exactly what those achievements mean. Break down them down into smaller manageable goals, goals that will allow you to keep focussed on the end prize, and enable you to keep that winning mentality

“What does having a winning mindset mean to me?”

To be a winner you need to be motivated

To be a winner you need to be motivated, it is easier said than done on some occasions, keeping motivated when things aren’t going the way you want is hard, the drop in energy, your momentum slowing and before you realise it you are back to failing.

It’s good to have a friend to coach you, even a life coach. A Coach will keep you honest, keep you being authentic with yourself. They will push you, inspire you, make you see yourself in the cold day of light and will not sugar coat things. Sounds scary but one thing a coach will always aim to do is keep you motivated, as long as you are willing to keep looking and moving forward. Your motivation will fuel their own motivation to motivate you, and that motivation will keep you on the track to a winning mentality.

Motivation has to come from within, it’s that simple, remember when you were at school and your teachers or parents urged you to become a winner, even though you had no inner desire to win or excel at that particular subject. You did your utmost to win, you did this because you wanted to please your parents or teachers. This motivation was not an intrinsic feeling but an extrinsic feeling. It had no depth to it, there might have been no satisfaction in it. To have the winning mentality we need to live it, feel it, love it, be it and it must be ours, it has to come from deep within our core. Only we can develop the winning mentality, no one else can do it for us.

Your Mindset is your key to a winning mentality

If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you ever think to develop a winning mentality? Your mindset is everything, there have been times when those who have developed a winning mentality have been accused of having an arrogant attitude, or being selfish, putting their own needs above everybody else’s, In some ways these accusers are right, to cultivate a winning mentality you do need to be arrogant, you have to believe in yourself and put yourself first. However, that attitude does not mean that you do not care about other people in your life. For after all, if you succeed then surely those you care about will profit from your success.

Proper Planning and Preparation

Here is a simple scenario, a man who wants to succeed, to be a winner, sits down every day and thinks himself a winner, he listens to all the affirmations about being a winner he can find, and then sits back and waits. In his mind he is a winner, he has told himself he is, it must be true, yet still he isn’t winning in life. He begins to feel low; his focus drops and he finds himself once again back to square one. Even telling everyone who will listen to him that this “mindset stuff doesn’t work.” He has missed out on the simple issue in life. Winning isn’t just about believing it, though it goes a long way to setting the foundations.

One aspect of helping yourself to being a winner, is preparation. There is a saying, some call it the seven P’s they are:

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Having a winning mentality needs preparation. As in everything in life you need to prepare before you can charge headlong into the world. Once you have prepared you will feel the confidence to stand up and find the path to living your full potential.

Using your Failures as a motivational tool

“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” Thomas Jefferson

Anyone who has won something in life will tell you that the winning isn’t always the most satisfying process, more often than not it is the hard work that has been put into that win, success doesn’t just jump on you out of nowhere, it takes time, sweat, blood and tears. Failure is the great thingy, when you fail or lose its not a case of actually failing it’s and here that I paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, “it’s another way of not doing it,”

A good test of positivity is how we deal with the negative experiences, if we just hold on to the negative, grab a bottle of something and wallow in misery we will never have that successful winning attitude. Yet if we take that negative, understand where, how, and why it was a failure we can turn it into a win. It is a great way to focus your mind, find a way to improve or refine your goals. It is all down to how we use that negative, we use it to motivate ourselves. Be your own Cheerleader because nobody knows what you need more than you.

When your Attitude becomes infectious

A winning ego is everything, how you portray yourself as a winner is everything. Having the right attitude is important; it is also important not to let your ego become too big, keeping the right attitude is central. Your positivity will keep you motivated and also grounded. It is also imperative not to let those around you who do not understand or like your upbeat attitude deflate you. You know yourself better than anyone, and that winning mentality will help you build upon your confidence to have a stronger winning mentality.

With the winning mentality you should always be looking at ways that you can improve yourself, remember no one is perfect, and the winner knows and understands that perfection is the unattainable goal. The one who thinks like a winner will know that there is always one more mountain to climb.

Everybody wants to win, but not everybody wants us to win, it is important to choose your supporters carefully, those that want to see you win for yourself and not just for the prestige of knowing a winner.

Are we born with a winning Mentality, or is it something that is created or developed?

The winning mentality isn’t something we are born with, it is something we create and develop as we move through our life, yet it isn’t something that can be forced upon us. It must be our own choice. It comes from within and as we learn to understand that winning for ourselves feels good, this then motivates us to learn how to create and develop it, in essence we hone it.

At the end of it all, whatever motivates you to want a winning mentality can only be found within you, no one can give you that mentality, no matter how they try. They can inspire you, guide you, but at the end of it all it is down to you. Do you want to be a Loser, are you happy to live in mediocrity all your life or do you want to stand upon that number one step? Then the choice is yours.

Thank you for reading this post, feel free to comment in the section below, and share your thoughts on the blog, and or follow me on social media, using the links below.

Once again, thank you.

Ric. The Wayward Wanderer.




Ric Temple

I am a writer & Life coach with a passion for writing, inspiring, & motivating people through my words and deeds.